Petr Matuszek belongs to promoters of contemporary music production; many Czech and world authors write their works directly for him: among others he played main roles in operas by Vlastislav Matoušek (8.cesta), in opera comedy by Miroslav Pudlák (Klobása) and by Ivo Medek (Vrač). In 2004 he had premiere in Prague Stavovské divadlo in two other operas written for him directly: a work of already mentioned composer M.Pudlák “Sasíci v Čechách” and the opera by M.Dvořáková and I.Medek “MrTVÁ?”. In 1990 he became a co-founder of association for new music “Ateliér 90” and in 1993 he was accepted as a member of Umělecká beseda.
Petr Matuszek
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